No Matter where you are in your journey, we can help.

Support for People with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Read our blog, Looking Back Helps Me See the Progress I’ve Made Against Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Listen to our Real Pink podcast, Impact of Diagnosis on Your Mental Health.

Watch our MBC Impact Series, Ask Your Quality of Life Questions.

There are different types of support available for people living with metastatic breast cancer. It’s important to find the support system that works best for you.

Counseling in a one-on-one setting or a support group may improve mental and emotional well-being and quality of life for people with metastatic breast cancer [122].

These sessions may help:

  • Manage feelings of sadness or anxiety
  • Identify symptoms that can be treated by your health care team
  • Improve communication with family members and other loved ones
  • Reduce feelings of isolation
  • Discuss fears about death and dying
  • Express your needs and preferences

Ashley Fernandez, living with metastatic breast cancer

“It’s OK to be happy and present but also be sad. Big emotions can co-exist.”

Social support

Support groups

Social support is an important benefit of group therapy. Support groups can provide a safe place to express feelings with people who understand what you’re going through.

Many people feel an intense bond with other group members and a sense of acceptance through sharing a common experience.

Social support from the group can ease some of the feelings of isolation that may separate you from well-meaning, but anxious friends and family members.

One-on-one counseling

Support groups aren’t for everyone. Support groups focused on emotional support are useful for people who are comfortable expressing their feelings and fears in a group setting.

Some people are more comfortable talking one-on-one with a counselor or therapist.

Everyone has different needs. It’s most important to find a healthy support system that works for you.

Pam Kohl, living with metastatic breast cancer

“Find your person that you can talk about your thoughts. There are topics that I can’t talk to my family about- it’s too hard for them. Find some friends that you can do that with. It makes all the difference to talk about the hard stuff.”

Finding a support group or counselor

People with metastatic breast cancer have very different needs from those with early-stage breast cancer. So, a support group for people with metastatic cancer of any kind will be more helpful than a support group for people with early-stage breast cancer.

Your oncologist, nurse or social worker may be able to help you find a counselor, local support group or an online support group. You can also call the Komen Patient Care Center at 1-877 GO KOMEN (1-877-465-6636) or email for help finding a support group.

Find a list of resources to help you find a support group in your area.

Find a list of resources to help find support programs for family and loved ones.

Online and telephone support groups

Online and telephone support groups are similar to in-person groups. They provide a chance to share information, give and receive social support and gain a sense of empowerment.

Komen offers an online support community through our closed Komen Metastatic Breast Cancer (Stage IV) Group. The Facebook group provides a place where those living with metastatic breast cancer, and those who love them, can find support, friendship and information. Click the link above or visit Facebook and search for Komen Metastatic Breast Cancer (Stage IV) Group and request to join the closed group.

These organizations may also be helpful:

American Brain Tumor Association
Offers online and telephone support for people who have metastatic breast cancer with brain metastases.

Offers online support groups.

Offers online support resources and some in-person support groups.

Project Life MBC
Offers online support groups and other resources.

Share Cancer Support
Offers online support resources.

Find more organizations that offer online and telephone support.

Care after breast cancer treatment ends

At some point, you may decide to stop active treatment for the cancer. This can happen when treatment stops showing a benefit or when it greatly affects your quality of life.

Once treatment is stopped, reducing any cancer-related symptoms (called palliative care) becomes the main focus of care, rather than a part of treatment.

This can be a very difficult time for you and your family. Your health care team can help you find a counselor or a support group to help you during this stage of cancer care.

Learn about hospice care and other types of support

Learn about support programs for family, friends and other loved ones.


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has information on end-of-life planning and care, including questions to ask your health care provider.

The American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) has a guide for patients and their families to help make decisions on end-of-life care.


  • Do you need help with a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis? We’re here for you. The Komen Patient Care Center is your trusted, go-to source for timely, accurate breast health and breast cancer information, services and resources. Our navigators offer free, personalized support to patients, caregivers and family members, including education, emotional support, financial assistance, help accessing care and more. Get connected to a Komen navigator by contacting the Breast Care Helpline at 1-877-465-6636 or email to get started. All calls are answered Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET and Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET. Se habla español.
  • We offer an online support community through our closed Komen Metastatic Breast Cancer (Stage IV) Group. The Facebook group provides a place where those living with metastatic breast cancer, and those who love them, can find support, friendship and information. Click the link above or visit Facebook and search for Komen Metastatic Breast Cancer (Stage IV) Group and request to join.
  • Our free MBC Impact Series provides people living with metastatic breast cancer and their loved ones a safe, collaborative space to gather information related to metastatic breast cancer and discover practical resources to help make decisions for improved physical and emotional health. To learn more and register visit
  • Our Real Pink podcast series covers many relevant topics for people living with metastatic breast cancer and caregivers.
  • Our fact sheets, booklets and other education materials offer additional information.

Updated 06/07/24