Stories about breast cancer that can inspire and inform

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Shining a Spotlight on the Unmet Needs of Patients with Advanced ER-Positive / HER2-Negative Breast Cancer 

For breast cancer researchers, one of the biggest goals of a clinical trial is to address the unmet needs of people living with advanced breast cancer. Advanced breast cancer is difficult to cure or control with treatment. The cancer may have spread from where it first started to nearby tissue, lymph nodes, or distant parts of the body, i.e. bones, lungs, brain, or liver.  Patients with advanced breast cancer need more treatment options.  

Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Episode 10: Highlights from the ASCO 2024 Annual Meeting 

In this episode of Breast Cancer Breakthroughs, we speak with Komen grantees Dr. Tarah Ballinger, medical oncologist at Indiana University School of Medicine, and Dr. Pedram Razavi, medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, about the biggest highlights from the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting and what they could mean for patients. 

Susan G. Komen Center for Public Policy Leads State Policy Change Needed by the Breast Cancer Community

2024 State Legislative Sessions Mid-Year Review 34 – Number of states with Komen-led Legislation41 – Number of issues introduced in 2024 state sessions31 – Number of states where Komen engaged in coalition efforts24 – Number of states with enacted Diagnostic & Supplemental Imaging legislation11 – Number of states with enacted Komen-led legislation The Center for […]

Top 5 Ways Komen’s Patient Care Center Navigators Provide Personalized Breast Cancer Support 

Komen’s Patient Care Center (PCC) navigators are culturally responsive and dedicated care partners who offer free, personalized services to patients, caregivers and family members. “When I’m working with people in treatment, I want them to know they can trust me to help find answers and resources,” says Roselyn, a Komen Patient Navigator. “Cancer is the biggest blow, and I want to help cushion it.”

Bizzy’s Story: From ‘The Amazing Race’ to Breast Cancer Survivor

For Wisconsin mom of three and firefighter Bizzy Smith, 2022 was a whirlwind of emotions, beginning with receiving the call that she and her best friend and fellow firefighter Sunny Pulver had been cast as a team on season 36 of “The Amazing Race.” The year would end with her struggling for a diagnosis for the lumps in her left breast.