Kelly Seitz



Take Only What You Need From It!

Hello Fellow Survivors & Wonderful Supporters!!
I’m a 15 year triple negative survivor diagnosed at age 30. Like many of you, I had no family history of almost any type of cancer and aside from having breasts (which as a AA naturally I joke that I barely qualified for that!) I had no known risk factors. I had what my then gynecologist said was a cyst, but fortunately was bothered by it enough that I sought the help of a breast surgeon and quickly learned I was headed into a whole different ballgame!

I underwent aggressive chemotherapy followed by a double mastectomy and radiation, and in a perfect world that should have been the extent of my medical adventures. However, I’ve never been one for doing things the easy way . I developed an infection due to radiation about 3 years after finishing treatment and needed a latissimus dorsi flap procedure to correct it. Imagine having your most extensive surgery when you’ve finally reached the point of being almost “out of the woods” in terms of the critical time period for recurrence. I’ve had 11 surgeries in total, including a cutting edge vascularized lymph node transfer to drastically improve my lymphedema and a hysterectomy due to massive fibroids resulting from being taken off of birth control pills. So yes, I guess you could say it’s been a journey!

I had the great honor of being a Warrior In Pink in 2019 and made it my mission to hold the flag for young survivors. At the time of my diagnosis I was definitely one of the youngest patients in my oncologist’s office and young survivor groups were no where to be found. There are so many elements unique to being diagnosed at a young that affect you for the rest of your life that are often over looked.

Regardless of age, I tell my fellow survivors that they’re going to find a person on the other side of this journey that will blow your mind- YOU, but better!! The most kickass version of yourself you could ever imagine! Yes, there are countless things that can absolutely suck about the cancer journey, but believe when I tell you they are far out weighed by all the good that will come from it in terms of the strength and beauty and sheer kindness that exists in the world. Embrace it and allow it to guide you as you move forward with a new found perspective. My amazing nurse navigator once gave me a simple piece of advice that always stuck with me – “Make it your own!” To that I add a line from a favorite song that seemed to so accurately reflect the”journey – “Take only what you need from it”! Leave the rest behind and share your story & strength with those fighting the same battle.

After all, life might not always be the party we anticipated, but while we’re here, we might as well dance.