Maha Witherington

I consider myself Maha! a model of courage kicking breast cancer’s butt. I want my message to be delivered with a positive outcome to all women out there battling cancer – we can do it ladies, yes we can, as hard and tough as it is, we can, we can, we can 🙂 I was fifty seven years old and just returned from vacation back home in the USA. I thought I had my whole life ahead of me. In a matter of days, everything changed due to a simple scratch I performed above my right breast. I remember thinking “I’ve been given a death sentence.” Emotionally, I went up and down from panic to the elated feeling that I would beat breast cancer and then back to fear and despair. Over the course of the next 2 years, I had a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, and breast reduction surgery. Phillip, my husband was my caregiver and one of many in my support system. God gave me an extended family everywhere. God had it all planned out. He was the light in my darkness. My two daughters and son were my inspiration. My mom came down to visit. They all kept me in prayer and were way too supportive. I don’t have to look at my scars and feel uncomfortable about my body anymore. I have learned that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve been through, with faith you are beautiful in spite of your circumstances. Cancer did not succeed and it certainly did not win. It took part of my life and a piece of my body, but it did not take me! With cancer I learned how to be a fierce, much stronger, and a wild fighter!!!! I kicked cancer’s butt and ready to kick it and do it all over again if it decides to reoccur!!!! Have faith ladies – we can and yes we can concur cancer!