Charnitamy Alexander

The day of my diagnosis, I walked away from stress of any kind and vowed to do whatever it took to keep my surroundings calm, peaceful and promoting healing .
I am now more aware of my environment and everything in it. I read labels on food and cleaning supplies; looking for any harmful ingredients. I constantly look for ways to improve my diet with anti-cancer foods.
The outpouring of love and support has overwhelmed me at times – I’m a natural born giver and being forced to be on the receiving end was extremely challenging at first. My children and grands became caregivers and there were times when I couldn’t do anything for myself!
I want to encourage anyone that gets a new diagnosis to accept help and join support groups – it helps me when I encourage others; gets my mind off my fight. My faith was a huge factor in my drive and determination to fight this ugly disease.
I have completed chemo and surgery – next up is radiation. I’m cancer free and so THANKFUL TO GOD FOR SPARING MY LIFE! I will always support breast cancer awareness, events and activities.