Jaime Goodman




New Birthday

It was June 9, 2020, the day that changed my life forever as I knew it. The day my doctor called me and said the dreaded words, “you have cancer, we need to set up a follow up with a specialist,” pretty sure I didn’t hear any of those words, just sat there in disbelief. The next few days were a blur of emotions, and just going through the processes. Of course it was 2020 so we were in the middle of a pandemic, so all of my appointments were done alone, and this is absolutely nothing you want to face by yourself. As I sit in the specialists office going over what is about to happen, and, as she tells me again that I do have cancer, I sit there alone with no hand to hold, no one to comfort me while we talk over my plans, NOTHING. What an absolute emptiness I felt at that very moment, and most of my journey that year. Screw breast cancer and screw Covid-19. Three weeks later and a bi-lateral mastectomy, here we are finally rid of that disease that thought it owned my body. It may have taken over both my mind and body for a while, but it no longer exists anymore in either. So, I now consider June 23, 2020 my new birthday it is the day I will forever celebrate! It is the day that I overcome something that tried to takeover me and did not win, I am reborn. I am a Survivor!