Jennifer Gardner



I WAS TOLD I HAD BREATS CANCER AT AGE 37, I THOUGHT MY LIFE WAS OVER. MY FIRST SURGERY- 10 HOURS LONG. MY SECOND SURGERY- 6 HOURS LONG. MY THIRD SURGERY- 4 HOURS LONG I could not stand or walk for almost 4 months, let alone shower. My story is about my now, 17 year old son, Camren. This 14 year old cooked all meals, washed all clothes, helped me shower and wash my hair and while trying to make me laugh and raise my spirits. He was a star football player, cornerback, at Morton Ranch High School in Katy, but because he missed a couple of practices taking care of mommy- Coach released him as a starter Varsity player and moved him down to the JV bench. Camren has been playing football in Katy since the age of 3- so this was devastating for him and his team mates. Needless to say, I felt horrible- he tried to say it was ok, but as a mom- you feel when your child is hurting. Now, 3 years later, Camren is in the top percent of his class with a GPA of 3.8 and a SAT score of 1183 and is the STAR VARSITY CORNERBACK at school this year. He will attend Duke University and major in Biochemistry- he desires to help cure breast cancer with plants. Please never give up hope it- it’s not the END- it’s a journey with some challenges. It’s a test of character. My son is my angel and I will never forget his sacrifices and his love for his mommy!!!