Kiva Natt



I made it again!

I am a second time breast cancer survivor as of October 9 as of September I completed chemo I’m currently in radiation first time I had breast cancer was 2017 and I did radiation on the right breast this time currently is the left breast I have neuropathy in my hands and feet for the last five months I haven’t been able to cook or do much I can barely walk because of the pain, the tingling and burning sensation same with the hands It’s been a journey it’s been an uphill battle. It’s been challenging but it’s something that I would never change I would regret it’s giving me so much balance in my life and I have come to my life and appreciate people more life I wouldn’t change a thing, my hope in my faith and my God has kept me going Continue to keep me going it day’s I don’t feel like getting up going to radiation but I know I knew I had to so, I did what I had too. It’s days I don’t want. want to share nothing with nobody but I will share this stay strong stay hopeful, stay prayerful, and you can get through anything that you’re determined to get through , it’s hard not being able to write write like a two year old. imagine your feet and hands being numb for a certain amount of time it’s been rough . My understanding I will be done with radiation in about two weeks and I will just continue to strive and encourage everyone get your mammograms go to the doctor get your check ups that’s my mission to help others and I will not give up on that mission. I love my pink sisters, you got this you can do this I’ve been through so much and I know it’s difficult when you don’t have support of your loved ones family friends associates. Whoever I was in that situation a lot of tears lot of depression. My story goes on, but I will say this I got through I’m gonna continue to get through. I’m cancer free Physically mentally is still have me captured but I hang in there and I want all my sister to do. I love you all.