Michelle Wicker



Under 40

I was 39 and just got home from Luke Bryan Farm tour concert with my 14-year-old daughter. I was itchy and was getting ready to take a shower and noticed my lump on my right breast when I was scratching. I never thought it would be cancer. I was so naive I thought it was hereditary and nobody I knew had it. Little did I know it didn’t matter. I had a rare cancer, and it was aggressive. On 10/30/17 I had a DMX without knowing what was going on. The tumor was the size of a golf ball already. I then went through 6 months of chemo treatment with 4 red devil. After all my treatments I then had my exchange surgery. I was given tamoxifen for a while but due to side effects I choose to come off them. I am in my 5th year since this ugly battle and still having test done randomly due to my cancer type. I did learn to eat better, get fit and enjoy life every chance I get.