Shelley Austin


Shemiriah Pradia is has been my daughter’s best friend since high school. She is now 36 years old and has been battling, first lupus, then breast cancer many years. Her body rejected reconstructive surgery and implants three times. Although she is now breastless, she has chosen not to wear any type fake breasts, padded bras, or anything and proudly shows her lack of breasts. She has three sons, two of whom have never known her not to be ill and in and out of the hospital. She is always smiling that beautiful smile of hers and refuses to sit back and let life pass her by. She enjoys life, she loves to travel, and yes, loves men and men love her. She and my daughter just recently returned from a trip to Jamaica that was everything but relaxing. The problems began as soon as they got there and the vacation was more stress than relaxation. Shemiriah was even in a car accident before she left. I cried for both of them because I knew how bad they both needed this trip. Still, Shemi (as we call her) still flashes that bright smile and didn’t let it get her down for long. I think she is already planning another trip! Life is too short, she says. Here are a couple of photos from a photo shoot she planned, that documents her journey. In the photos are her family and closet friends, people who she states have been there with her thru it all. I’m grateful and felt very honored that she asked me to be there. I love her dearly.