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Help me understand what you’re going through
Stories of Support

Co-survivors are very important to breast cancer survivors from diagnosis to after treatment is over. Knowing about breast cancer and its emotional impact can help you prepare you to really ‘be there’ for your loved one. It’s important to keep in mind that the effects of breast cancer for the survivor don’t end with treatment. Support is vital at this time.
Online Information
Are you helping your loved one research all about breast cancer or wanting to learn more for yourself? Information about breast cancer is just a click away, just visit the About Breast Cancer section. You can learn the basics of breast cancer and find the latest on diagnosis, treatment, side effects and many other topics—like quality medical care, complementary and integrative therapies and life after treatment. You can read and learn anytime – when you are ready.
Breast Cancer 101 Interactive Tool
Listen to information about breast cancer while you watch graphics that show how it develops, how it is found, how it is treated and more. You may listen in English or Spanish.
English version
Spanish version
Learn about the most common breast cancer treatments – surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and targeted therapy. Learn about the pros and cons of each. Choosing a treatment is as much a personal decisions as it is a medical one.
After treatment
There are more than 3.5 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. Survivors face unique issues after breast cancer treatment, there may be late effects of treatment or issues related to sexuality, fertility or menopause. Our Survivorship section discusses these concerns and other topics important to people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Other helpful websites
Being well-informed is important for understanding and fighting breast cancer, Here we provide you with a complete list of the websites found throughout About Breast Cancer. We are pleased to offer these resources, but have no control over the content on these sites.
Printable Information
Want a hard copy? Written for patients, these one-page easy-to-read fact sheets and booklets will help you better understand what your loved one is going through.
Facts for Life
Coping with a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Talking with your Partner
Talking with your Children
Talking with your Doctor
Support After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Sexuality and Intimacy
When the Diagnosis is Cancer
End-of-Life Care
Life After Breast Cancer Treatment
Follow-Up After Breast Cancer Treatment
View the complete list of our Facts for Life fact sheets.
Co-Survivors: How to help those you care about cope with breast cancer
Check out our Co-Survivors: How to help those you care about cope with breast cancer brochure written just for you. This brochure helps family, friends, health care providers or colleagues recognize that they are co-survivors. Information regarding support and resources is included as well as a checklist of helpful ideas.
Psychosocial booklet series
We also offer a psychosocial booklet series which offers practical and emotional support for both the breast cancer survivor and their co-survivors. Each booklet provides a list of resources.
Need someone to talk to? Necesita hablar?
Feeling overwhelmed? Call our breast care helpline at 1-877 GO KOMEN (1-877-465-6636) and talk with a trained and caring staff member. The helpline is available Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. ET and Friday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET and from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. PT. Our helpline provides free, professional support services to anyone with breast health and breast cancer concerns, including breast cancer survivors and their families.
We do not provide medical advice, make referrals to doctors or evaluate doctors, medical facilities or services.
Komen Support Resources |
Updated March 19, 2018