Bringing the Patient Voice to Research
Our Advocates in Science program (AIS) is a community of dedicated volunteer advocates who work to reduce the burden of breast cancer in their communities. Research advocates bring the patient voice to research, ensuring that the unique and valuable perspectives of breast cancer patients, survivors, and co-survivors are integrated into the scientific dialogue and decisions, which impact progress toward ending breast cancer.
Research advocates play various roles throughout the research process. They do everything from educating others about research to participating in research grant peer reviews and working with or as part of scientific teams to help prioritize, develop and implement research projects. AIS members also engage in ongoing education to enhance their advocacy skills and expand their own scientific knowledge.

AIS members participating in Komen-funded training at Genomic Health during the American Society of Clinical Oncology Breast Health Symposium, September 2012
Are you a researcher interested in finding an AIS to help with your research project? Find out more.