Waiting for Breast Biopsy Results
If you have an abnormal finding in your breast, you may need a biopsy to check whether or not it’s breast cancer. Although it can be scary, most breast biopsies in the U.S. don’t show cancer [1].
Waiting for your biopsy results can be hard. Be sure to ask your health care provider when you can expect the results.
If breast cancer is found, it can be treated. With standard treatment, most people with early-stage breast cancers have a good prognosis (high chance of survival).
Learn about breast cancer treatment.
While you wait for your biopsy results
It’s normal to feel worried while you wait for your biopsy results. Try to do something that makes you feel supported in these emotions. These are some suggestions:
Stay busy. Keep your normal routine. Do things you enjoy.
Talk with your family and friends. Use your support system. Talking about your fears may make them a little less worrisome.
Get informed. Learn about possible results and potential next steps from trusted organizations like Susan G. Komen®. This may help you feel more in control.
Too much information can be overwhelming though. Read what you’re comfortable with and set the rest aside for later.
Prepare for next steps. You may want to prepare a list of questions for your health care provider. Consider asking a family member or friend to help. You can also find a list of questions you may want to ask your provider, if you are diagnosed.
If you’re comfortable, having a family member or friend with you during the conversation with your health care provider can be helpful for understanding and gathering information.
Understanding your diagnosis
If the biopsy results show you have breast cancer, learning about the factors that affect prognosis and treatment can help you understand your diagnosis. Then, together with your health care provider, you can make informed decisions about your treatment.
You may want to ask a family member or friend to join you when you talk with your health care provider. They may be able to help with understanding and gathering information.
The biopsy results are found in your pathology report.
Find a list of questions you may want to ask your health care provider about your diagnosis.
Also, Susan G. Komen® has a Questions to Ask Your Doctor When Breast Cancer is Diagnosed resource that might help.
You can download, print and write on the resource at your next doctor’s appointment. Or you can download, type and save it on your computer, tablet or phone using an app such as Adobe. Plenty of space and a notes section are provided to jot down answers to the questions.
There are other Questions to Ask Your Doctor resources on many different breast cancer topics you may wish to download.
Susan G. Komen® Support Resources |
Updated 12/27/23