Bernice Capers

My name is Bernice and this is my survivor story. I have always been thankful for life and I have always heard or read something about someone I knew that had breast cancer, not thinking it could happen to me. On August 26, 2014 that all changed. I had my mammogram two weeks prior and didn’t think anything of it because my response letter always came back clean and reminded me to schedule for next year. What I was not prepared for was the letter asking me to call and schedule another appointment because “something looked abnormal.” Not really understanding what this was meaning I waited to call but instead I received a call advising me I was scheduled to have an ultrasound that Monday morning. I advised my supervisor that I would be in late and headed to my appointment. The radiologist came to do the ultrasound and as I watched the monitor she made it clear, we have to do a biopsy and I will call you in the morning with the results. By this time, it was late and several persons had come to the facility to speak with me about what was happening. I called my supervisor to let her know what was happening and headed home tell my husband Steven everything about the appointment. He looked at me and smiled saying “it’s going to be alright”. Well, here we are. August 26, 2014 and my cell phone rings, it’s my doctor on the phone saying “Bernice I am so sorry. You have breast cancer, Invasive Ductile Carcinoma stage 3 triple negative. I lost all the feeling in my body. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, was this really happening? Having just one year ago laid to rest my sister, Linda, I could not bear to tell my mother, who was 92 yrs old at the time, another daughter was now fighting for her life. With tears running down my face, I called my co-worker and supervisor and told them about the call and that I needed to leave. They called my husband and when he arrived at my office the look on my face said everything. From that moment forward we hit the ground running, meeting with my oncologist Dr. Meyer with Low Country Hematology and Oncology and Dr. Paul Barron, my breast surgeon. I love these two with all my heart! Their office and staff kept me encouraged with every treatment and visit I had. I had amazing support from my husband Steven, my children Keelan, Jaime and Bernee’, my grandchildren Tiara, De’von and Jaidan. From co-workers at RSFH, other family and church member and my BFF’S Wanda L. Lisa W. Wanda H. and Chuck who calls me his hero. My mother, Audrey, said to me the day I gave her the news was “you are going to be just fine.” Thank God for prayers! Yes, my life has changed but for the better. Yes, I battled chemo and radiation. Yes, I lost my hair, I was beautiful with it and without it! Every day is a NEW day. I have a NEW outlook on life because I was given a “second chance.” I survived breast cancer because of all the positive people that surrounded me and would not allow me to have a pity party. So, when I meet a sister or brother that has been diagnosed with breast cancer, I encourage them to stay positive and surround themselves with supportive people that will lift their spirits. I remind men and women every chance I get this is no longer a woman’s disease and we all must work to raise awareness and find a cure. On August 26, 2014 as I tried to sleep that night, something whispered in my ear and said, “You are not strong enough to with stand the storm”. As I drifted to sleep I smiled and said I am the storm. Thank God for second. chances!