It all depends on your age and level of risk.

Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations

Breast cancer screening can help find breast cancer early, when the chances of long-term survival are highest.

How We’re Helping

Thanks in part to Susan G. Komen®’s investment in research in treatment and early detection, the breast cancer mortality (death) rate declined 44% from 1989 to 2022 in women in the U.S. [180].

Breast cancer screening recommendations for women

Breast cancer screening recommendations for women at average risk

Breast cancer screening recommendations for women at higher risk

Breast cancer screening recommendations for men

Breast cancer screening recommendations for men at higher risk

Breast cancer screening recommendations for transgender people

Breast cancer screening recommendations for transgender people

Women Should Have Access to and Coverage for Mammography

Susan G. Komen® believes all women should have access to regular screening mammograms when they and their health care providers decide it’s best based on their personal risk of breast cancer.

Komen also believes screening should be covered by insurance companies, government programs and other third-party payers, with no out-of-pocket costs for patients.

Updated 05/16/24