Betsy Grajales

Mi hijo me hizo ser fuerte
Me diagnoaticaron cancer de mama cuando mi hijo tenia 6 meses en 2019, me impoacto, pero miraba ese bebe indefenzo y tome todo para no drjarme caer, para luchar dia con dia, para no verme enferma, verme como una Guerrero 💖 fue duro, me sentia sola, debastada pero dios, mi familia, mi hijo fueron mis motores para luchar… hoy dia estoy en revision, tomando tamoxifen y dando gracias a dios y a la vida por una swgunda oportunidad
My son made me strong
I was diagnosed with breast cancer when my son was 6 months old in 2019. It was a shock, but I looked at that defenseless baby and I took everything to not let myself fall, to fight day by day, to not see myself as sick, but to see myself as a warrior 💖. It was hard, I felt alone, devastated, but God, my family, and my son were my engines to keep fighting… Today, I am in remission, taking tamoxifen, and giving thanks to God and life for a second chance.