Melissa Viquez

Stronger than the Storm
I was diagnosed with breast cancer a month ago.
Cancer has been around our family since 3/2021, when my middle child (17 year old) was diagnosed with T-Cell leukemia.
Our son Fernando died on 3/16/2023, grieving is hard and the emptiness you experience when losing a child is more intense and difficult to deal with than losing any other family member.
Today I am fighting against this monster, my faith, family and the support from my friends are giving me the strength I need to remain positive and keep fighting.
My faith in God and his transforming and healing power is allowing me to enjoy His love, peace and hope. His love and strength give me the ability to become STRONGER than the STORM!
While my son Fernando fought cancer he taught me a lot, he used to say: “I need to walk TALL AND STRONG! I am following his steps of faith, hope and braveness.
I am determinate to keep fighting, trusting in God’s power and faithfulness that NEVER ENDS. In His arms I am able to move forward and understand that this should pass.
I want to encourage other cancer warriors to remain hopeful, to believe that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. God is able to heal us and to be the hope we are looking for.
My secret is to live a day at the time, to keep my eyes on Jesus and to do the best to remain positive and always treasure God’s promises in my heart and mind.
My life changed a lot since 2019, in the beginning of the pandemic I was diagnosed with COVID, was hospitalized for 7 days, almost died from it. But God had other plans, he gave me the opportunity to live and to be with my precious son when he needed me the most. Together we became so strong and learned so much. Now I enjoy my life, the time I get to spend with my other two daughters and my loving husband.
Without God, His love, peace, hope and without my family I couldn’t have done what I have been able to accomplish. Life is hard and sometimes we don’t understand why things happen, but there is always HOPE and opportunities to grow in so many areas.