Research is the only way to find the cures for breast cancer. That’s why Komen has been supporting breast cancer research since 1982. Through breast cancer research and clinical trials, we’re driving progress toward a brighter future: a world without breast cancer.
We’ve made great progress, but our work will not be done until no one dies from breast cancer.
Help Us End Breast Cancer Forever
Join ShareForCures
ShareForCures is Komen’s people-powered breast cancer research registry
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Research Grant
Komen awards grants to support cutting-edge breast cancer research.
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Advocate in Science
Advocates in Science help bring the patient voice to research.
Our Research Impact
Komen-funded researchers are focused on saving lives by tackling the toughest issues in breast cancer. Our research grants are focused on our research priorities that serve to make the biggest difference for patients: conquering metastatic and aggressive breast cancers, advancing personalized breast care and eliminating breast cancer disparities and inequities.
Because of our investment in research, Komen-funded researchers have discovered more than 3,000 new breast cancer research products, including drugs, biomarkers and devices. Komen-funded research has resulted in:

Over 700 discoveries focused on metastatic breast cancer, including 400 focused on potential treatments

More than 1,600 discoveries to advance precision medicine, including more than 1200 potential treatments

Over 400 new discoveries focused on strategies to reduce breast cancer disparities
Komen played a role in the development of all 19 breast cancer drugs approved by the FDA since 2012.
Our patient-centered research programs
A complex problem like breast cancer won’t be solved with just one approach. We’re funding innovative research projects, convening experts and patients to tackle big issues, and conducting our own studies. The patient voice is central to our work as we ask big questions and seek out the answers that will save lives and end breast cancer forever.
Our People Make Komen’s Research and Scientific Programs Possible
Scientific Advisory Board
Our Scientific Advisory Board guides our research priorities and investment, keeping the patient voice first.
Advocates in Science
Advocates in Science bring the patient voice to research.
Komen Scholars
Meet the leading experts in breast cancer research and advocacy who guide our scientific programs and grant peer review process.
Komen Awards & Recognition
Komen’s breast cancer research awards recognize the accomplishments of the exceptional people who are bringing us closer to a world without breast cancer.
The Next Generation of Research Leaders Fund
The Next Generation of Research Leaders Fund aims to ensure that a diverse group of highly trained scientists who reflect the communities we serve will emerge as leaders in breast cancer research. All gifts to the fund will help Komen invest in outstanding breast cancer researchers in the early stages of their careers.
Breast Cancer Breakthroughs
Research can take decades to reach the bedside, but what discoveries are just around the corner for patients? Susan G. Komen shares all of this and more through Breast Cancer Breakthroughs, a virtual educational series. Breast Cancer Breakthroughs focuses on the new science and technologies poised to make a difference for patients in the near future.